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how do you measure a year in the life?

a lifestyle experience blog from the perspective of a full time college student trying to pursue her dreams



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This page includes posts like traveling without  a professional photographer & finding great locations, making your hometown look as exciting as vacation, and little trips! you don't have to take a plane or whip out the passport to get great vacation photos

Before March 2019, I had never left the United States. I was not the owner of a passport until February 2019. I have always had a lust for traveling, though. Until I could find my way out of the country, I had to find other ways to explore. There is beauty all around us!

My current relationship is the first long-term relationship I have ever been in, but I've been dishing out relationship advice to my friends since middle school. I have always known what is and is not tolerable in a relationship, but now have a deeper understanding of how powerful being in love with someone is. My boyfriend also lives 11 hours away, so, I'm a long distance pro now, too. I have used all this new knowledge to write posts like my long distance relationship, falling in love, how to spot signs of a toxic relationship, and general advice & answers

I feel like it is sort of presumptuous to assume that people want my advice on what to wear--especially if you've ever seen me in my classes. But, for 12 years of my life I had to wear a uniform during the school year (Catholic school, whoop whoop) but during the summer I could really get creative. My body shape has always been weirdly proportioned, so I have also always liked to challenge what was and was not considered "flattering" on me. Check out: how to be a style icon on a budget, my favorite summer looks, and you bought it, so wear it! 

I am not the best about listening to new music, so I don't know how good I will be about recommendations on anything like that... Buuut, I am an expert at setting the mood. I've got you covered on a summer playlist, angsty playlist, sad playlist, in love playlist, don't need a man bad bitch playlist, workout playlist, how it feels when you see the sunset playlist, how it feels when you take a really satisfying shit playlist, a Not-My-President-fuck-Donald-Trump playlist, and every early 2000s jam you thought you forgot playlist. I've got you covered, so enjoy. 

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I am a very passionate person about a lot of things. Theatre, being a big one because it is what I want to do for the rest of my life and I truly believe it is one of the most important subjects to learn about in school. Social justice is another big one, I am very vocal politically and I think our current state of government is a travesty. I talk about that a lot. I also am very passionate about feminism and the fact there is a negative stigma around that word--I'd like to make open some eyes or help to explain to some people the importance of feminism and what you should be doing every day to help the cause. I also have light to shed on other things I personally struggle with such as mental illness and body positivity.

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